Monday, October 4, 2010

A Train of Thought (Bad to Bueno)

underlined. undermined. undefined. low low cuz im under everything movin so slow. understand. underhand throw out the window all the wonder of us so all im left with is a wanderlust. explore. exit the gf turn her to an ex and it's on to the next. cuz we might be worthy of sightseeing when leaving the p-a-s-t, unless we drastically act in a manner differed from the norm act as jason bourne do other then we were trained to then even if the rain is blue we can smile at the sky, look each other in the eye and laugh until we are freezing cold. all i know is what i have must not grow old and dull. cuz ill never find a severed line that would cut as deep as this one. never find. never whine....never mind!

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