Saturday, October 2, 2010

Unlocked Doors

mr. key misses mrs. mystery,
villian chillin on de door
but he want more.
she bliss to he
thoughts of girl swirl
so blissfully
sharp n crisp to he
like HD
highly detailed
mr. key misses mrs. mystery
she is to me as door is to he
are you keepin up?
realization sneakin up
reachin up
n smackina backa de head
like attacka de dead
return of the zombies
thoughta she surround me
all around me
closin in
she declothe
n him nah hesitate
ta do de same
retire attire
n drop it to da floor
he close to she
n he sorta wantin more
so they souls blend
as one
moon and sun
day n night
kid cudi
bounce to feel aright
blind to the rest of my senses
feelin you
allat make sense is
queen n king
in immortal dance
souls intertwined
it started wit a wine
n a sign
a wink
that was gone in the space of a blink
mr. key misses mrs. mystery
with whom his history
without his angel
how's a man to fly?

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