Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ears to the Sky, Eyes Elsewhere

Even in the beginning,
Before any were sinning,
Before sin was in the world,

Adam was lonely

without a girl.

She herself wasn't enough
By herself.

But then
Neither was God.
The first Man walked and talked with I Am,
But he still felt lonely and unfulfilled
On an 


perfect planet.

So God, in all His wisdom,
Created a companion.
Someone for conversation and understanding.
Because really how can an artist interact with a painting
Or an actor with his actions on stage?
The Creator is not the same as the created,
So He can satisfy some needs,
But all are not satiated.

I need to seek out more spiritually
But i won't drop the candle that's leading me.
Because i can hear His still quiet voice in the darkness
Leading me home,
But i'll still feel





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