Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dream Girl

what do i do
when i can't stop dreaming of you?
visions of melting,
together of skin
touching lips
muscles rippling
bodies smooth into each other
flashing images
of flashing eyes
and squeezing thighs
i feel and hear
sighs on my ear
and shudder like a fallen leaf
i feel your delicate fingers
caress my chest and abs
my heart sputters
a million miles a minute
i feel your soft hands
i see your soft eyes
i know it's not real
but im dizzy in ecstasy
so i tell my body it will be
and keep dreaming
half awake

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Distanced and Featureless (Or The Man With No Face)

my craving for you is like a dull constant hum always there somewhere in the back of my mind irregardless of what im doing. and it doesn't take much for it to get louder. for it to rise like the buzz of a million bees and be all i think about. you want me to see with no eyes, hear with no ears, taste with no tongue, and touch with no hands. what passion has a faceless man with no senses? what destiny has he except to disappear and hope that no one recalls he was there? you want me to be half alive with my heart forever steady, my bpm never rising. you want me to ignore, reject, and disdain this man who's insane about you. you want my beast to vanish and be replaced by a docile creature that jumps at the slightest noise. you claim you want me but i feel unwanted, an intimate friend treated like a stranger.