Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pauper in Queen's Slippers

my heart is
fighting my chest
and my ears
are buzzing
it's exactly the case
what i thought
thought you were drummin
ya own drum
but you reside
alongside the dumb
to theirs
while ur own
is disowned
and disused
don even give the thing
a chance to be misused
you disgust me
don't even really want it
but i guess it must be
can't stand on ya own feet
sayin "anybody got some shoes
they can loan me?
if you hook it up
all you others
could maybe even own me!"
cuz u don't
goin wit the flow
aint got the strength
to stop
when the world say go
or the same in reverse
thought you were a doctor
but i guess you just a nurse
followin orders
like a good orderly
waiter tell that girl
that she shouldn't really order me
her heart can't even hold
her own soul
why should she be able to stomach mine?

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