Monday, September 6, 2010

Death of Two Men

"well i heard that..."
"nigga fuck what you heard then!"
"but you remember when..."
"all i recall is tellin you to
shut ya mouth! yeh i said it
n never forget it,
im burnin my bridge
and laughin
at the flames on the other side of it"
"thas how you feel?"
"must i repeat myself?
fuck you
and family
and any of your associates or affiliates!
that's what's me full of truth
feelin ruthless."
"aiight then..."
"yeh aiight
now get out my sight
u blockin my view
of anything behind you."
men die
friends die
as well as friendships
that turn from mutual indemnity
to furious enmity
the other side of the coin
that changes
the way that we're going
sometimes back the way we came
or off in another direction
walking is the perfect time for reflection

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