Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Don't Expect Me to Stay

joey is her right
joey is her right
she can do what she wants
she can do what she wants
whatever she waaaaaaaants

but don't expect me to stay
don't expect me to stay
don't expect me to wait
don't expect me to sit
through all the dog manure
because a man
can only take so much
sick of all the
ifs ands or buts

joey is her right
she can choose
who she likes
but i hope you
don't expect me to stay
you always find a way
back into my graces
despite the fact that you
move with different faces
im really just a man
who wants a girl to love
but this origami swan
might need to be cut
so it can sing its song
im not here for long

don't expect me to stay
don't expect me to wait
don't expect me to sit
through all the dog manure
because a man
can only take so much
sick of all the
ifs ands or buts

Monday, September 6, 2010

Death of Two Men

"well i heard that..."
"nigga fuck what you heard then!"
"but you remember when..."
"all i recall is tellin you to
shut ya mouth! yeh i said it
n never forget it,
im burnin my bridge
and laughin
at the flames on the other side of it"
"thas how you feel?"
"must i repeat myself?
fuck you
and family
and any of your associates or affiliates!
that's what's me full of truth
feelin ruthless."
"aiight then..."
"yeh aiight
now get out my sight
u blockin my view
of anything behind you."
men die
friends die
as well as friendships
that turn from mutual indemnity
to furious enmity
the other side of the coin
that changes
the way that we're going
sometimes back the way we came
or off in another direction
walking is the perfect time for reflection

Room For

im hopin im wrong
like i ben before
ben explorin this home decor
for a lil bit
but the feng shui
seem off to me today
tilted picture frame
or sum
got the room lookin kept
with the prefix -un
if it's really what im thinkin
im done
no more cleanin
meanin ima shut the door
slam it hard
and i plan to bar
my way to that room
because if what i think is true
those walls are my doom

Skype (I'm Online)

every time i hear
im sorta hopin
that it's you
seeking to speak
with me
even when
i know you've been
sleeping for an hour
or two or three
or four
i still think
in the time of a blink
she's online
and so am i
time to enjoy
this time that flies

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pauper in Queen's Slippers

my heart is
fighting my chest
and my ears
are buzzing
it's exactly the case
what i thought
thought you were drummin
ya own drum
but you reside
alongside the dumb
to theirs
while ur own
is disowned
and disused
don even give the thing
a chance to be misused
you disgust me
don't even really want it
but i guess it must be
can't stand on ya own feet
sayin "anybody got some shoes
they can loan me?
if you hook it up
all you others
could maybe even own me!"
cuz u don't
goin wit the flow
aint got the strength
to stop
when the world say go
or the same in reverse
thought you were a doctor
but i guess you just a nurse
followin orders
like a good orderly
waiter tell that girl
that she shouldn't really order me
her heart can't even hold
her own soul
why should she be able to stomach mine?