Saturday, December 18, 2010


i want to communicate
with no words
while we speak volumes
i seek to consume
your presence
and gobble it up
i want to crunch your allure
between my teeth
and savor the taste of your
heavenly aura
with my tongue
i want to breath your scent
with my lungs
and have it surround me
making me dizzy
with joy
with ecstasy
you move delectably
my eyes hunger for more
i want to
see everything
feel everything
sweet miss,
my sweetness
i want your all
n i know that's a tall order
but with only 3/4ths
i feel i only have a quarter
i want to give you my entirety
entirely all of me
but this trade must occur
at the same time
but im impatient
so here's mine
and ill take yours
when you're ready for it
i hope soon
so you
can end this night
of no moon

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